What a great weekend! The blood drive a great success, exceeding all expectations. So may people helped with setting up and cleaning up, registering donors, finding replacement donors and keeping everyone fed. The wait was at times long, but it seemed everyone made the best of it by catching up with friends and neighbors they may not have seen for some time.

A few donors experienced some light headedness. One unidentified Aggie was heard saying as she/he plummeted to his/her knees "Wow, is this fun or what!"

The concert created a lot of excitement at our house which at times was hard to contain.
Doesn't this look like one cool dude who is about to have great time!
The evening was spectacular. It was great to see so many friends and neighbors. Thank you to Rudy (Rudy's Grill & Cantina) and Kitty (Buffalo Wing Station) for the great food. Hope everyone enjoyed the entertainment. Motley Rockers, thank you so much, just your practicing with Luke was a welcome diversion for him.
Our emcee's for the evening assured me they were maintaining accurate records of who won the raffle items, however, seeing the pain they were in Sunday morning was not reassuring. If you won a prize and have not heard from me, please drop me an email at dmnovick@earthlink.net
Luke's update as of Tuesday was back to reality. Luke had IV chemo on Monday and was harpooned on Tuesday. He got sick on the way home Tuesday, slept for a few hours but seems to be doing OK this evening. Right now he is tuned into the latest segment of the Deadliest Catch.