Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday May 8

Luke started the day not feeling great. He got 2 units of blood and seems to rebounding. His hemoglobin was low but his ANC and platelets were showing signs of recovery. For now he needs to keep a watch on exposure to infection. With as low as his blood counts are he will need to wait on next week's labs to see if he can start the next round of chemo.


  1. Luke, it was so entertaining talking with you yesterday. And how did the practice go (I'm not divulging the "type" of music you were practicing or the participants involved therein)? I left Loggie a message about participating in the concert. I told you as long as she has a kapo she can play -- I'm packing one (or two) when we come.

    Hope you have a good week, babe. Talk with you soon.

    Love you, you little knucklehead.

    Aunt Jacquita

  2. Luke,

    DId you finish the book yet? I can't seem to find Chase's copy in his room, should I be concerned? We got to see Kate this weekend, we fed her and worked on her balance! Glad to see the blood work is heading in the right direction. Hope you have a good week and keep regaining your strength. Saw Fr. Jerry Friday night and he sends his best.

    Take care buddy, keep kicking the asshat!

