Luke benefited from the additional time off as he feels and looks better than he has in weeks. This past week he spent a lot of time warming up the guitar and voice for the 30th.
Kendall says the blood drive is fully subscribed, that means there are over 100 donors which is fantastic. Kendall will be emailing everyone donating their times and some dos and don'ts from MDA for donors. Everyone donating thank you not only from Luke and his family but also from all those in treatment for cancer at MDA.
Now for the week in pictures. Shot to the left is
The next pic to the right was also taken on the tour of Texas. There was a stop over at the Texas state capital where Luke paid his respects to one of his favorite Texas politicians.
Finally, some time ago Meghan C dropped by a large bin of army solders at the house for Luke. Her note told Luke to enjoy playing with the soldiers and to send some funny pictures. In response to Meghan's request here are some pics on Luke playing with his soldiers.
lol yes. awesome!