Monday, December 30, 2013

Transplant Day 20; MDA Residency Day 30:

Hey Folks
Luke’s blood counts still are still recovering.  He’s getting daily injections of nupogin to accelerate white blood cell recovery and he’s still getting blood and/or platelets every day.  With the holiday's MDA is low on donations so if you have the time to stop by MDA to donate Luke's patient number is 776302.    

They are trying to move Luke off of IV drugs to oral.  Tacro which is the primary drug used to combat GTHD has been problematic.  When they went to oral on his Tacro the level shot way.  Higher levels present as headaches which Luke is experiencing. 

They think the Tacro level increase is due to how the gut absorbs the oral drugs vs. IV.  Hoping they can get it adjusted in the next day or two.  To dealing with the headache it's been a dark room for the past 48 hours and they bumped his dilaudid and merinol back up.

Some nausea yesterday and last night.  Today was better but not much appetite.  Temperature has been bouncing around.  Being told that is typical.  When it spikes Tylenol has brought it back down.   To be sure nothing is going on they are doing blood cultures and took a chest x-ray.           

Looks like Luke will over shoot the 30 days of residency.  The best guess on discharge is early next week.

Thank God for the Breaking Bad marathon – TV has been on AMC for 48 hours straight.         
Happy New Year

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