Luke continues to make progress. His abdomen drain was removed Tuesday to his great relief. His last dose of Defibrotide will be 2 am Wednesday morning January 29, 2014 (everyone is counting the doses). When the Defibrotide finishes up he will report back to MDA for how long he doesn’t know.
He must have received 20 units of platelets since he was
admitted to Methodist. To get the Defibrotide
his platelet count needs to be above 30K.
He received a bag of single donor platelets yesterday and today got a
pass on platelets with a count of 38K.
Platelets need to get up to over 140K to be considered normal. Hopefully when he is off the Tacro platelets
will start to increase on their own.

He is walking regularly and sitting up in a chair. Actually strummed the guitar today for the first
time since leaving MDA. Also began assembly
of Yoda’s Lego commissioned interstellar transport vehicle.
Dear sweet Adri was here over the weekend. Her visit was undoubtedly the major factor in for Luke's recovery this week. Alas Adri could not make to Houston this weekend as she is on the way to LA to work at the Grammy's. I'd like to know how you get a job like that. Can you pick out Adri in the photo to the left?
Needless to say Luke (and the rest of the fam and Traveler) are anxious to get out of Methodist.
It's nice to see a smile.