Monday, March 30, 2009

Luke - Day 4 at Spa MDA

Hey things are looking up some for Luke. Still has headache and fever issues but progress is being made. His labs are improved with white count, hemoglobin and platelets all starting to move in the direction of normal humanoid levels.

Upping his happy time meds for his headaches has helped. He will have a scan this afternoon to see if they can identify anything upstairs that could be causing his headaches.

Date of eviction is not known. He needs to hold a normal temperature for 24 hours and be off of IV pain meds. He has chemo and an LP on Wednesday. Will definitely have chemo and will likely have LP. Best case would be receipt of an eviction notice on Thursday.

Got out of bed and cleaned up and was able to eat a little - though not much. Effort wore him out so he outened the lights to take nap.


  1. Glad to hear things are looking up Luke. Keep kicking the asshat buddy. I know for a fact that if they did a scan of my upstairs all they would find would be space!

    Take care and get out of there. PJ

  2. Reminds me of when they did a scan of your Grandpa and the radiologist actually told my Dad, "You have a very small brain." The look on my Dad's face when he relayed this to me was, not surprisingly, one of utter disbelief! I teased him how all of us Oldfields have huge heads, so what was taking up the rest of the space then? ha!

    Keep up the great assault on the asshat -- know you will!

    Love you, honey.
    XOXOXOXOXOXOX (I wish I could do this in person)

