Friday, March 27, 2009

This is a follow up on Kendall's email with a message of my own for everyone in Houston. Luke was diagnosed 2 months ago today. Luke has received 6 units of red blood cells to date, is getting 2 more units of red blood cells today and will probably need platelets Monday. Blood and in particular platelets are in short supply in Houston and MDA and are being released only if need is critical.

If you can donate there is a big need at MDA. Luke can get credit for any blood or platelets donated but in all honesty that is the least of our worries. What we have learned about blood donation in Houston is MDA's use of blood and blood products is large enough were they have their own donor program and sites. As a result MDA is not serviced by either the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center or the Red Cross, which are the two groups that run the blood drives in Houston that most of you are are familiar with.

Naming Luke for credit when donating at either the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center or the Red Cross will not transfer to MDA.
To get credit at MDA blood needs to be donated at an MDA donation center. The link to the MDA blood donation website is: There are several sites around town and each has their own hours. The phone number for the main center is 713 792 7777. For anyone to donate as a credit to Luke, which again is not my purpose in sending this, the donor would need to provide Luke's patient ID number ("776302") when donating at an MDA facility. Luke does not receive the actual blood donated so blood type is not important.

If you can help, patients at MDA would appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Dave,
    Thanks for the info - I really had no idea that MDA was on their own for blood donations. I will be in Clearlake on Monday and will stop by the Bay Area donation center to give blood or platelets - whichever they desire. We really hope that Luke is feeling better and he is in our prayers.
    Rand and Julie
