Luke is responding to chemo
Yesterday Luke had good news, his blast cells are down to 3%. Two weeks ago the blast cells in Luke's bone marrow were at 73%. The leukemia is responding to the chemo.
Leukemia shuts down the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. Blast cells in the bone marrow are undifferentiated cells that the leukemia prevents from "evolving" into white or red blood cells. Blast cells are essentially dead weight in Luke's system.
Remission will be when no blast cells show up on the bone marrow. Dr Wells is targeting for remission in 30 days from the start of chemo. Once Luke is in remmission the goal will be to get rid of all the remaining leukemia cells hiding out in body. The path forward to achieving that goal has yet to be determined. It will either be another long term chemo regime to try to kill off all luekemia cells in the body or a bone marrow transplant provided an acceptable match can be found..
Monday was a long day. Luke was at MDA from 9 until 4. They drew bone marrow, did an LP and he got methotrexate, vincristine and erwina. Wednesday he saw Dr. Wells and received erwinia but was home by noon. Blood counts are relatively unchanged; white cells are at essentially 0%, but platelets are still above the threshhold for being transfused.
Luke is tired but holding up. Most of the time on chemo days is couch time. For now the meds they have him on are keeping the nausa at bay. Chemo is taking a toll on the hair.
We're having a blood drive for MD Anderson on April 13th. If you can donate blood or platelets please send us an email at and the time you would like to donate.
Buffy, Cindy and Peggy.......thanks.