Saturday, March 9, 2013

Luke has been checked in to MDA.  He is dealing with multiple issues.  They are doing a CT of his head and chest today to confirm and/or rule out potential issues. His pain meds were upped and he a bit more comfortable. 

His oncologist is out of town so treatment is on hold until Monday.  He will get an LP first thing Monday to see if any cancer cells are in the brain and then we will meet with Dr. Wells to figure out where things go from here.  Kendal and Beth are in town so Luke is not lacking for attention and nagging.  

On February 26 Luke posted on his Facebook page "in remissions 4 years".... who would have thought he'd be in MDA two weeks later.    

1 comment:

  1. Okay. Admittedly, some of us are a bit "slow" at times. I had been fretting, but feel much better now that I recalled this blog and have checked it -- which I will now do hourly probably. I appreciate all of this information and am glad to know so far that all has been tolerated by you, honey! If you need my help to kick the asshat, you know I'll be there in a nanosecond! Love you, Aunt Jacquita Mwwwwwwwwwwahhhhhhhhh!
