Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Round 1......... 

After speaking with Dr. Wells yesterday the family went down to the waiting area for guitar therapy.  Luke played while Gayle and the girls colored (crayons and coloring books - just one of the benefits of the pediatric floor) .

Early evening Luke experienced a lot of pain and spiked a temperature. A Nurse Practitioner in the area stepped up and gave the attending a crash course in pain management (it is great to have those NP's on family staff).  By 9 things were under control.  Before the evening's chemical cocktails Luke had a hors d'oeuvre for nausea.  The first chemo bag was hung by the chimney with care (whoops - seasonal mix-up), the second cocktail followed 30 minutes later.  Nothing new with the cocktails, Luke has indulged in both on his previous stays. 

Luke had a late dinner and retired for the night.

Dr. Wells is going to hammer the asshat over the next 30 days.  Luke is ready for the fight.  Please let him know he is in your thoughts and prayers.  Don't hesitate to comment on the blog, after completing 3.3649 semesters of college he reads very well.  He is frequently on Facebook, if you see him there say hello.  His email is lucasdnovick@gmail.com, drop him a note, a joke, a picture or any irrelevant information (the more irrelevant the better)....we love laugh out loud vidoes.  If you would like to visit, please call first as the activities tend to change and with chemo starting he may not be up for company.     


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