Saturday, January 31, 2009

Checkin in

Luke had so much more energy today and was able to get up and walk around the unit a few times and have a ton of visitors (thanks so much to everyone that came by). We are settling in for the night-Luke says he is going to make me watch Pink Floyd- The Wall....we will have to see about that. Just taking everything a day at a time but today was great and Luke seems to be feeling pretty good considering what all he has been through over the past week. Although each day will be different our hope is he has more days like today! Keep up the thoughts and prayers!!!


  1. Luke thinking about you all the time.Keep up the positive attitude buddy.A little PINK FLOYD is good for everyone.Take good care of yourself and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you 24/7. WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH Uncle Steve and JILL

  2. Wow, Luke, Dave, Gayle and Girls,
    You should see it! There is a celestial glow over Lakewood so many people are praying for your FULL and SPEEDY recovery! The Prunty’s included! Look for Cindy Crawford! She is in town and today on Good Morning Houston she said she and her two sister’s younger brother had Leukemia when he was 10. (Three girls and then a boy! Coincidence??? I think not!!) She visits young cancer patients in pediatric hospitals. She’s in town now! She didn’t say specifically she was coming to MD Anderson but you gotta think….maybe…
    Glad to hear you had a good day!
    We luv ya cutie!
    Kevin and Julie
    PS..We rejoice at the results of your tests and the high recovery percentage!
