Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday Post-Clinic....

Hi All...Luke had his clinic appointment this morning. His body is responding as expected to the chemo, while this is great news it also means his immune system has taken a hit. His doctors have asked that he lay low this weekend and said that visitors are not a good idea as he extremely susceptible to infection. So, please continue to email/text/call Luke, but for the next few days no visitors.

He has to return to MDA tomorrow for some blood. The clinic was super busy today and his counts were what MDA deems "borderline" for transfusion so they asked that he return tomorrow. Luke also had his weekly chemo today, it was a quick injection versus a longer infusion. We left the MDA and are already home, Luke is crashed in the game room on the couch.

Thanks for keeping up with us via the blog and for all your love and support. Updates soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,

    Glad to hear Luke is responding as expected, hate the immune system issues. I am so inspired to see you all three of my awesome nieces helping Luke kick the asshat! You guys are the rocks that Luke, Daf and Gayle-face need to keep up the fight and get this thing the heck out of Luke.

    Luke, keep-fighting buddy, Fr. Jerry reminded me on Sunday that he and a lot of people at St. Agnes are praying for you and your family.

    Go Luke go!

    Love you guys

