Saturday, December 28, 2013

Transplant +18

Greetings from Texas and MD Anderson.  We hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas. 

Updates on the past couple of days:

We spent the day with Luke, of course, in matching green plaid pajamas and Christmas hats.  Luke's counts continue to improve and the doctors are very happy with how he's doing, there is talk of releasing him early to mid to next keep  your fingers crossed.  Today (Saturday) he got some blood (red blood cells) and could have used some platelets but there aren't any available....

MD ANDERSON IS IN DESEPERATE NEED OF PLATELETS!!!  IF YOU CAN DONATE PLEASE CALL THE MDACC BLOODBANK @ 713-792-7777.  There are two locations, one at the main MDACC in the Mays Clinic Building, 2nd Floor and 2555 Holly Hall (just east of Alameda).  Donating platelets takes an appointment, but just read blood cells you can walk-in.  You can't donate if you have any fever, have been tattooed or pierced recently, or traveled to exotic malaria ridden places in the past year....there are some other restrictions as well, more can be learned here: MD Anderson Blood Bank

Luke is pretty tired and resting today, he is running a low grade fever but nothing that the staff is overly concerned about.  His mouth sores continue to improve and they have transitioned all of his IV medications to oral (pills)....another step on the road to home. 

We are ready to have him home, and there is a large black dog who misses him terribly too.  Visitors are always welcome, just not if you have been sick or around those that are sick.



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