Monday, December 23, 2013

Transplant Day +13

Trends are good.  White Blood Count (WBC) is 500 (normal is 4,000-11,000).  Doctors need to see an Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC ) count of 0.5 for three days before they will think about discharge.  ANC is a measure of the number of neutrophil granulocytes in the blood.  Neutrophils are a type of white cells that fight against infection. The ANC is the fraction of mature and immature neutrophils in the WBC.   Got more platelets today, that's around 7 days in a row..      

After white count come back docs will start watching for Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD). White cells go after what they think are foreign cells.  As Luke now has Kendall's white cells the wait and see is whether those white cells will look at Luke's own cells as foreign.  GVHD most often affects the digestive tract, skin and liver.  

Hair is gone, scalp is well polished.  Mouth sores are still there.  It's hard to eat but nutritionist is not worried as when white counts come up sores should heal quickly. 

Kate spent yesterday baking cookies for the nursing staff.  Kate is well known for here baking,  after delivery of the cookies she caught a few of the nurses hording and had to nip that in the bud.

For those looking for an Xmas gift, the new line of Breaking Bad themed Lego is popular with

One last note with the sisters being home and not having Luke around to fulfill their passion for dress up, poor Traveler is paying the price. 

Luck Feukemia!

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