Sunday, December 8, 2013

Transplant T minus (-) two days and counting

Chemo is done.  The last two days of chemo were rough.  They went start of chemo at 4:30 am, headache onset at 5:30 and nausea at 5:45, close the blinds and turn out the lights and let Luke sleep between "ralphs".  By evening he was able to keep light food down.  Despite dealing with the effects of chemo feeling he is being diligent with getting up and walking the halls.  Friday evening some friends stopped by and Luke rallied to spend some time with them.  Last night he got a good nights sleep.........on to transplant

Thanks to every one that came by to donate.  The statistics were 100 chick-fil-a , 8 large pizzas and 3 dozen kolaches consumed.  I don't have the official totals on blood but I am sure you guys delivered every unit MDA expected.   

It's Sunday, a day of rest in the biblical sense and for the tranplantee.  The medical activities should be limited.  With chemo behind him Luke watch his counts drop and get started on the transplant meds.  A big one is tacrolimus to help minimize graft to host disease (GTHD)

Kate is coming in town this evening.  We are sending Kendall to the spa (she wishes) for pampering (nails, hair, massage, botox etc) and feeding her whatever he heart desires (more likely) in preparation for the removal of a liter of her bone marrow Tuesday morning.

Hey good news for Todd, he's the 25 year old guest at MDA down the hall from Luke.  He's at day +14 after transplant and white cells have started to show up!  He has a long way to go but that is a significant milestone.


Take care


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